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  • Writer's pictureErnest Ademola Ehigie

5 Keys to Living A Long and Prosperous Retirement Life

The ideal retirement for most people is having a life filled with fun and fulfilling moments. However, having such a fantastic retirement requires some insights that, if followed with action, will produce amazing results for you.

The difference between those who eagerly look forward to an amazing time in retirement and those who are not is in their preparation today.

5 Keys to Living A Long and Prosperous Retirement Life
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To ensure a long and prosperous life in retirement, here are five tips to adopt.

1. Health is everything

Regardless of your financial status or your achievement, if good health is missing in retirement, it hinders the happiness you are meant to derive from other aspects of life where you are doing well. It is easier to stay positive and appreciate the seemingly little things of life when you are healthy.

Therefore, it is essential to stay as healthy as possible to have a long and prosperous life in retirement. Use your spare time now to engage in healthy activities like exercise, healthy food, and other healthy habits to keep you fit.

Regardless of your financial status or your achievement, if good health is missing in retirement, it hinders the happiness you are meant to derive from other aspects of life where you are doing well.

2. Find purpose and walk in it

Finding your purpose and walking in it is essential to having a fulfilling life. It’s easy to feel empty even amid family and financial security if your life is not about anything. Most folks look forward to retirement because it affords them enough free time to themselves. However, if this free time is not channelled into some greater cause, it soon becomes empty and depressing.

Find something that your life will be about and immerse yourself in it. Ask yourself, what do you want to do in life once you stop working. Do you want to give back to the community, share your knowledge and expertise, travel around the world, or engage in a business? Whatever you do, ensure that your life is making a difference in the world.

3. Mind your finances

There is little or no possibility of having a great and prosperous life in retirement when you are broke or in debt. It is worse in retirement because there is no monthly or regular income to depend on.

Having a prosperous retirement requires money. Therefore, straighten your finances, and prepare for unforeseen circumstances that demand financial commitment.

Set financial goals and ensure that your retirement funds will be enough for your expenses in retirement. Take into action inflation and other rising financial commitments like your health. You can read our previous article on how to deal with inflation in retirement.

Check for benefits accrued to you when you retire, like retirement plans, pensions, and any other investments. For more information about your retirement savings account (RSA), contact Oak Pensions via, or call the Marketing Manager on 09087448661.

4. Give Back to Community

The best way to find purpose and fulfilment in retirement is to help others. Find a local, national, or international cause to support with your resources. It could be your time, expertise, or money.

Giving back to the community is an excellent way to spend your retirement years. It can also provide you with a deep sense of fulfilment. Volunteer for a cause that is important to you.

5. Cultivate meaningful relationships

The place of a healthy and supportive community cannot be overemphasized. After retirement, you are bound to miss most of the people you used to work with, as you no longer get to see them regularly. This drastic change could result in loneliness.

Therefore, it is great to invest in friendship and relationships; make new friends, and revive old ones if necessary. You could also join a local club in the community, like a book reading club. Catching up regularly with friends is a great stress reliever and sure helps you get out of any kind of boredom or loneliness.



Ernest Ademola Ehigie is a Copywriter, Content Developer, Author, Brand Consultant, and Communications Manager with over 5 years in marketing communications. He has written several articles, policy documents, press releases, radio and TV adverts for businesses and organizations. He's the author of the book, "Why You Must Lead" and currently works as a content manager for Detail and Avedia, a leading retail and media consulting firm.


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